Application form for Trans Scania Winter 2024 Please read all information about the race and the requirements before applying for entry! Select Winter edition * Winter edition Name * Förnamn Efternamn Club / Association Gender * Male Female Date of birth * MM DD ÅÅÅÅ Email * Mobile phone (carried during race) * ex. +46 777 123456 Select size of finisher t-shirt * Unisex S Unisex M Unisex L Unisex XL Ladies S Ladies M Ladies L Ladies XL Your personal link to D.U.V website * http:// Other qualifications not listed on D.U.V Next of kin (not participating in the race) * Förnamn Efternamn Mobile phone (next of kin) * Support during the race That can pick you up within 2 hours! Förnamn Efternamn Mobile phone to support, (reachable throughout the race) I have read and hereby consent to the race regulations, and that the race organization can make fair use of photos and media of me related to this event, and that the information I submit can be stored and used for the purpose of organizing a conducting this race. * YES, I accept the terms and conditions! NO I don´t accept and can´t apply this race! Thank you for your application!/ Race directors of Trans Scania